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Music and film
Joris Ivens film with music by Hanns Eisler
Film made by children to the music by Eisler:
In December 2014 children from the school at Lewartowskiego street in Warsaw took part in an education workshop on music by Hanns Eisler, the subject was Eisler’s composition Fourteen ways of describing the rain (Vierzehn Arten den Regen zu beschrieben). Under guidance of film operators (Wojciech Staroń, Agnieszka Kokowska), composer (Sławomir Wojciechowski) and violinist (Anna Kwiatkowska) the children made a new film inspired by the work. The programme of the workshop’s result presentation at the Austrian Culture Forum on December 11th included also the „ori ginal”, that is Joris Ivens’ film Regen with the music by Eisler. The meeting ended with Eisler’s Reisesonate performed by Anna Kwiatkowska (violin) and Joanna Opalińska (piano).