Events and news

Workshops devoted to the music of George Friedrich Haas
May 28-31, 2012
Complex of Music Schools No. 1 (“Miodowa”) in Warsaw
The subject of the workshop was a piece by Georg Friedrich Haas “Rondeau”, written for a youth or amateur orchestra, but characterized by the intensity of colors and characteristic spectral effects that we know from works “for professionals”. Under the direction of the conductor Piotr Wajrak, the students’ instrumental ensemble of the J. Elsner Music School prepared a performance of the composition, which became the focal point of the final concert.
Concert programme:
Georg Friedrich Haas: …de terrae fine…
Olga Neuwirth: Quasare/Pulsare
Georg Friedrich Haas: Rondeau
Anna Kwiatkowska – violin
Emilia Sitarz – piano
Instrumental ensemble of Elsner Music School
Piotr Wajrak – conductor
Original concept and conduction of workshops:
Krzysztof Kwiatkowski
Slawomir Wojciechowski
Anna Kwiatkowska
Austrian Cultural Forum; Complex of Music Schools No. 1 in Warsaw; “Harmonies and Noises” Music Foundation